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If you are an athlete, this is the best team in the Middle East to help you reach your full potential. We can help you perform better, recover from an injury stronger or simply recover from a tough workout faster to be able to train harder again next workout!



As much as pro athletes need to relax in the off season, it's also very important that they get stronger, quicker and fitter for the upcoming season.
This is why we offer the Off Season Training Camps. We offer different packages that include hotels, restaurants, physio, cryo, infrared sauna and many more option on top of the training sessions, so that the players can come to Dubai and enjoy themselves for a few weeks, but can also make sure that they come back to their teams even more ready than they ever were before!
Get in touch to find out our many different package options for the Off Season Training Camps.



Before re-joining your team, it is important that you’re in great shape already. After relaxing for a few weeks or months, you probably need to get extra push and get ready to get back on the pitch to perform.
These pre-season training camps are normally 1 or 2 weeks long, but are more intense than the off season training. They will emphasize on different aspects of your preparation before you go back to your team, with a bit more focus on your conditioning, explosivity and speed. Ideally, if you’ve been training during the offseason, this will be the last piece of the puzzle to get you back in the best shape of your life and to help you dominate the other players when you step on the field.
These camps normally have 2 sessions per day, which will include one session in the morning and one in the afternoon. It will also include the top recovery methods such as cryo and sports massages to help you optimize performance and get the maximum results possible from the week.



Our team of fitness professionals knows how frustrating it is to be injured, and most importantly how crucial it is to rehab properly before you come back to normal training. We make sure that you come back from your injuries safely and intelligently so that you can go back to what you do best without having to worry about being ready enough.
Our team of experts have worked with high level athletes for over 10 years and have dealt with many players and teams from the Premier League. We can program the best rehab program for you after an injury or a surgery, or we can help implement the program that your team has prepared for you.
This is a recipe that has been working very well because injured players really get a psychological boost (and therefore improve their recovery) when they can come to Dubai to do their rehab, and being able to enjoy the rest of their days on the beach or just enjoying the beautiful weather doing different activities.



Whenever athletes are in town, they know they can rely on us to give them the best quality training for athletes.
Whether they're in town for an international break of less than a week, or whether they're here for a few weeks, it's important for the athletes to train specifically for their sport.
Athletes require very different training than bodybuilders, and it's a priority for us to make sure that they get the top level training that they need for the sport, whatever time of the year it is.



Our Performance Center is attached to the Transform Clinic, which includes everything you need in case of injuries, pains or tightness. Our many quality services include massages, physiotherapy, spine realignment, stem cells, resonance therapy and much more! Our Performance Center also includes an Infrared Sauna and different massage equipment to be able to recover faster from your workouts and to optimize your results.

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